sábado, 4 de julho de 2009

Reconhecimento Internacional: "Want to fix schools? Look to Portugal!"

Deixo neste post o link para o artigo de Don Tapscott (author, consulting company CEO, advisor to government and business leaders).

Nesta publicação feita na Internet dirigida a Barack Obama, aconselhou o Presidente norte-americano a dar a devida atenção ao exemplo Português e ao Plano Tecnológico do Governo que está modernizar o ensino e a fidelizar os alunos às escolas públicas.

Tapscott valoriza José Sócrates pela sua coragem em apostar na renovação do ensino e no seu objectivo de equipar os estudantes com computadores portáteis e acesso à internet.

So Prime Minister Jose Socrates took a courageous step. He decided to invest heavily in a "technological shock" to jolt his country into the 21st century. This meant, among other things, that he'd make sure everyone in the workforce could handle a computer and use the Internet effectively.

This could transform Portuguese society by giving people immediate access to world. It would open up huge opportunities that could make Portugal a richer and more competitive place. But it wouldn't happen unless people had a computer in their hands.

So Portugal launched the biggest program in the world to equip every child in the country with a laptop and access to the web and the world of collaborative learning. To pay for it, Portugal tapped into both government funds and money from mobile operators who were granted 3G licenses. That subsidized the sale of one million ultra-cheap laptops to teachers, school children, and adult learners.

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